OMEGA Elevators is the name, one can safely associate with the most advanced and trusted elevator across the country. Differentiated innovative hi-tech technology, quality & customer satisfaction are the key elements that have helped us scale new heights of success. OMEGA is one of the most reliable companies, committed to delivering exceptional service. With extremely satisfied customers in India and abroad. They pride themselves on being the best in the elevator sector. They successfully deliver products on time, every time and everywhere. It all began with a dream Mr. Kumarpal M. Desai, the promoter of Omega, saw this need for vertical transportation much ahead of his time. Mr. Desai, is an electrical engineer and gold medallist of 1973 batch from L. D. Engineering College, Ahmedabad and M Tech in 1975 from IIT, Bombay. He started commercial production of elevator manufacturing in 1985 at Ahmedabad.
- An ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001-2018 Cerfied Company
- Branches in Bhutan, Bangladesh, Dubai, East Africa, Egypt, Isreal, Kuwait, Maurius, Nepal, South Africa, Sri Lanka.
The team at Omega contributes towards making vertical travel & life much more convenient & easy by manufacturing elevators with complete integration & adherence to all the Quality & safety norms. Omega has made a substantial investment in the background integration, the unit contains equipment right from the foundry stage to the finishing line which also includes carpentry. Various components like Gear Box, Driving Sheave , Duty Motor, Li Cars, Guide Rails, O/S Governor, Gate Locks, etc. are manufactured under one roof of a fully equipped manufacturing unit at Ahmedabad.
Signature Gallery
The signature gallery is a new, nevertheless very important part of OMEGA Elevators. This gallery is India’s first exclusive and unique elevator showroom. With 6 live Elevators of a unique range of interiors on display, Signature Gallery is a distinguished and illustrious showroom. The Live Elevator display at Signature gallery gives a real-life experience of elevators to the customers thereby making their decision easier.
About OmegaWe work for you since 1985
The elevator industry gave mankind the solution to house the rising population with the vertical Wonders called elevators and Omega in the true champion style is taking the baton forward… We at Omega Elevators are determined to play a leading role in the coming century for the same purpose.

HistoryHistory of our company
- Cabinet Secretariat Lift at Rashtrapati Bhawan in 2008 with CPWD
- Business Today Best SME Award 2012 by Union Minister of India
- First company in India to Adopt PMSM Gearless Technology and Manufacture the same
- Stainless Steel Slot Less Door Sills (1st Time in India)
- Solar and Wind Powered Lis
- Lift Type Tested as per RDSO/2013/EM/Spec/0016(Rev0)
- Introduced the concept of SMART Elevator LMS (A Proactive Live Lift Monitoring System)
Creative teamWe got the best team to help you feel the luxury of vertical transportation.
Customer Experience with Omega Elevators!
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel
Spanish mackerel yellow weaver sixgill sandperch flyingfish yellowfin cutthroat trout grouper whitebait horsefi Bichir neon tetra blue eye bleak sergeant major lumpsucker tilapia Ratfish darter leatherjacket woody sculpin fierasfer Pacific salmon Chinook salmon zebra danio nase. Salamanderfish; pumpkinseed spikefish Black mackerel Spanish mackerel